Symbi Stars School

Established in 1983


It is a well-known fact that early childhood education is the foundation for happy, balanced and successful schooling. Using the theme-based model, the Symbi Stars School provides a rich, stimulating and satisfying environment for the promotion of all round intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and creative development.

  • Phonics letters and numbers recognition through carefully designed learning activities.
  • Valuable social skills through highly interactive learning methods and self-help tasks to enable them to develop a sense of independence.
  • A chance to play and interact with other children to acquire important interpersonal skills.
  • Encouraging children to be active participants in their own learning.
  • Every learner's potential is recognized and appreciated and therefore they emerge as passionate lifelong learners.

Symbi Stars believes in nurturing a genuine and dependable relationship with families and the community.

Admission to Mini Kg. for June 2025

Children born between 1st June, 2021 and 31st December, 2022 are eligible for admission to Mini KG class.

(Subject to Government Regulations)

Forms will be available online - Contact the school office for more details

Contact Us

Final Plot No. 470/1 & 2, CTS No. 1089/1 & 2,
Opp. Chittaranjan Vatika Hare Krishna Mandir Path,
Model Colony, Pune - 411 016
Tel: 8956194770 / 8956194769


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